Hello dears again!
// Ohh its has been so long time when I have written here anything! I hope you have been patient, because now I'm TRYING going to post lot of stuff here just before coming back to Finland or little bit after that. I really have to do it now, if I want to share some parts of my experiments here. :) But I still have couple thousand pictures to be edited so mercymercy- I decided to enjoy more about time being in Portugal than actually sit inside the house long hours doing some never-ending editing and picking up the pictures, hahah :D
But.. Like (at least) Finnish phrase says: What goes around, comes around / What you leaved behind, you'll find it in front of you later blah blahblah.. So now it's the time to kick my ass and do this.
So, I proudly represent my first post in 2 (!! seriously) months:
[ And yes, I cheated with the posting days, so they look like I have done something also in May, muhahahah ] //
Palace of Comenda
// Last April me and my friends visited finally the abandoned palace near the beaches. Apparently the house - former royal palace - however you like to call it (but it's huuge, and very nice) have built in the eighteenth century and the owner was personal friend of Kennedy. And apparently when president was assassinated, Jackie Kennedy took the kids and came here to have some peace.
Actually I didn't even know these fats before now when I was looking some facts - I just heard some rumors about the place, that in the time of dictatorship in Portugal (before 1974), it was built as a gift for someone closer friend. When dictatorship ended 1974 and country turned to democracy, there wasn't any money to keep the place up so the owner abandoned it.
Here are quite amount of pictures: //
// We looked little bit inside, oh there would be so many possibilities in the place, to renovate it, do something before it's too rotten. For hotel, or something else, but the building is still so beautiful. In inside and outside also, just couldn't stop looking at the tile paintings there. Usually I don't like abandoned places but this was still in quite good shape, so light and worth to see so I made an exception in this case :D Wasn't too scary heehheh. //
Photo: Micha |
Photo: Micha |